Olofsfors wants to save the rescuers
11 December 2020

Olofsfors wants to save the rescuers
Despite the fact that as a firefighter you run twice as high a risk of getting cancer, many people combine their regular job with saving others. Olofsfors AB currently employs 6 part-time firefighters.
November is the month of prostate and testicular cancer, as many through the mustache fight and other fundraisers show their support for those affected. Research shows that firefighters, among other things, are twice as likely to suffer from testicular cancer than other occupational groups and in the US it is classified as an occupational injury, according to the fundraising foundation Brandmännens Cancerfond.
- "We felt that we must try to do something for ourselves, to spread the message and to increase public awareness. Raise questions, make people understand how carcinogenic fire smoke is, ”says Tobias Sikström, Robot Operator at Olofsfors and 14 years as a firefighter.
The fire brigade in Nordmaling works with constant improvements for "healthy firefighters" and has started its own fundraiser for the benefit of the firefighters' cancer fund. During the month of December, they printed T-shirts where the money from the sale will go in full to the fund that works for research and development of products for the safety of firefighters. The fund was established with the aim of preventing and preventing the occurrence of cancer diseases that are linked to the work as rescue personnel.
1/4 of Nordmaling's firefighters work at Olofsfors AB
Nordmalings Municipality currently has 24 part-time firefighters, of which 6 currently work at Olofsfors AB.
Olofsfors is one of the companies in the municipality that supports the collection.
- The part-time firefighters who are employed by us have an important role to play, even if they have to leave the workplace quickly in the event of an alarm. Their knowledge and safety thinking is also helpful to us in the industry as well as in our internal fire drills and training. We of course want to support our firefighters by contributing to this fundraiser, says Göran Nyberg, CEO of Olofsfors.
Why do you work as a firefighter when you know it is so dangerous to your health?
- “The feeling you get in the body after doing something good, when someone survives a severe fire or accident is indescribable. You get hot in the body ", says Robin Strömberg, band operator at Olofsfors and 10 years as a firefighter. “You take with you the good ones and not the bad ones, otherwise you probably would not have had the strength to continue. Saving a person gives peace of mind ", concludes Strömberg.
Read more about the foundation: www.brandmannenscancerfond.se
To buy a T-shirt, contact Robin Strömberg or Tobias Sikström below or leave your gift via Swish at: 070-617 19 55.
All contributions are valuable, help us save the rescuers!
Questions or for more information, please contact:
Maria Öhman
Marketing manager
Phone: +46 (0)930-397 01
Email: maria.ohman@olofsfors.se
Robin Strömberg
Track operator
Phone: +46 (0)70-534 71 02
Email: robin.stromberg@olofsfors.se
Tobias Sikström
Robot operator
Phone: +46 (0)70-617 19 55
Email: tobias.sikstrom@olofsfors.se
Olofsfors AB has about 140 employees and the company works with sales and manufacturing in two business areas: Tracks and chains for rubber-bearing machines and wear steel for construction machines. Customers are found in almost every continent. The head office is established in Olofsfors in Nordmaling municipality and production also takes place here. The company has a turnover of approximately SEK 400 million. Olofsfors' core values are: Knowledge, Quality and Sustainability.
Olofsfors AB - Main office
Phone: +46 (0) 930-396 00
E-mail: info@olofsfors.se
Address: Olofsfors AB - Main office
Olofsfors 11
SE-914 91 Nordmaling, SE